International Women's Day of Prayer, March 4

Women across Europe pray for their churches, communities, and each other.

Italy | EUD WM news | Romina Garelli | March 21, 2023

Rome knows the secret of a good relationship with God is communication.

On Sabbath, March 11, the Women's Ministries Department of the Lungotevere Adventist Church in Rome presented the International Day of Prayer sermon and focused attention on the importance of prayer and its effects. God the Creator, who from the time of Eden has maintained a relationship with his creatures has never stopped calling his children, whether they are inside or outside the church. The secret to having a good relationship is the necessary communication between the two parties. Through prayer, we can dialogue with God. A relationship with the Lord, as the apostle Paul says, transforms us, and our confidence increases (2 Corinthians 3:18).

The congregation sang several hymns of praise, including the song “Talking with God.” The sermon concluded with time devoted to prayer involving the entire assembly. Those present gathered in small groups to pray for each other.

At the end of worship, everyone was invited to enjoy refreshments provided in the fellowship hall.

Photo credit: WM Italy
As reported by Romina Garelli, communications manager at the Rome Lungotevere church, Rome, Italy

France | EUD WM news | Corine Timofte | March 7, 2023

Paris shares their day of prayer service by livestream.

On March 4, 2023, Women’s International Day of Prayer, the largest Seventh-day Adventist Church in Paris, France, invited Corina Timofte, Women’s Ministries (WM) director of the Franco- Belgian Union of Churches, to preach in a service that was live-streamed on YouTube. She presented the topic “When Jesus Ended It,” focusing on the woman who had been bent over for eighteen years until Jesus healed her that Sabbath in the synagogue.

View church service on YouTube here

Photo credit: WM France
As reported by Corine Timofte, director of Women's Ministries for the Franco-Belgian Union of Churches

France | EUD WM news | Corine Timofte | April 13, 2023

Members of Epinal church in the Vosges learn to trust God and leave their burdens at His feet.

On the occasion of the International Day of Prayer for Women, the women's ministries leaders of all the churches in our territory organized events and workshops around the subject of prayer. Continuing the good tradition, the Adventist church of Epinal in the Vosges, dedicated the entire Sabbath of March 4 to this occasion.

The sermon in the morning and the workshop in the afternoon sensitized the people present as well as the online spectators on the subject of the mental load of women and the role of prayer in the life of each. The message was to learn to trust God and leave your burdens at his feet like the bent woman did in the Gospel of Luke.

Strong bonds between members, spiritual education of children, and appreciation of the abilities of all, are some of the strengths of this church. Each department is well supervised and the women fulfill their tasks with responsibility.

The local radio station, hosted on the church premises is a plus for the development of the mission in this region.

God be praised for the tireless work of its members, for the harmony that reigns among all the participants of all ages, and for their commitment to mission.

Photo credit: WM France
As reported by Corine Timofte, WM Director, Franco-Belgian Union

Romania | EUD WM news | Mariana Toma | March 20, 2023

Banat Conference rejoices with offerings small gifts and prayer for women in the community.

The International Women's Day of Prayer on March 4 was joyfully awaited and celebrated in the churches of the Banat Conference. The churches of Oradea C, Bethel Arad, Caransebeș, Tinca, Archiș, and Obreja made a heartfelt stop on this day, listening to the Word of God, praying, singing and rejoicing for this special occasion. The small gifts offered to the sisters in the communities gladdened the hearts of the listeners and visitors. May the Lord be praised for this day of consecration and worldwide prayer!

The celebration of the International Women's Day of Prayer continued in the churches of the Banat Conference even on the Sabbath of March 12. The churches of Măderat and Betania Timișoara wished to consider this day special by approaching the Word of God, presenting the material offered by the General Conference, by prayers raised especially for the sisters of the communities, singing, and consecrating everyone before God. The flowers offered and the fellowship meals delighted all the participants making the day even more enjoyable.

Photo credit: WM Romania
As reported by Mariana Toma, director of Women's Ministries, Banat Conference, Romania

News stories originally posted at EUD WM News 

Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q2