International Women's Day of Prayer in Tübingen, Germany
Women of the Bible characters share their stories in "Women Following Jesus" program.
Inter-European Division (EUD)
[Germany] On March 2, 2019, the women of the Tübingen Seventh-day Adventist church in Germany invited all their church members to join them in a journey to Israel at the time of Jesus. The topic “Women Following Jesus” was presented in a dramatized way by several women who portrayed women of the Bible.
The Samaritan woman who had met Jesus as the well came to call the citizens of Sychar to see Jesus for themselves. Mary of Bethany told about her friend Jesus, who let her sit at his feet, listening to his teachings. The women of Galilee talked about following Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, where they watched him die. Mary, mother of Jesus, talked about all the things she had hidden in her heart ever since the angel Gabriel appeared to her with a mind-blowing message. Mary of Magdala was portrayed as the woman who was determined to find Jesus’ body but who found a risen Savior instead and to whom Jesus gave the mission of proclaiming His resurrection.
Both men and women are called to follow Jesus. Sometimes women feel that their part is just to assist men who minister. But the words of Psalm 68:11, “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng,” shows from the Bible that God has a mission and ministry for women to take up!
Reported by Hannele Ottschofski
Photos by W. Nixdorf
International Women's Day of Prayer in Spain
At least fourteen churches celebrated the Day of Prayer in creative ways.
Inter-European Division (EUD)
[Spain] The annual Women’s Ministries International Day of Prayer scheduled the first Sabbath of March was the occasion that inspired the Women’s Ministries groups in the Spanish Adventist churches to take over the church services on March 2, 2019. The topic “Walking with Jesus” was presented in creative ways, with women taking over the pulpit. Not only did the women organize the day’s program including special music and potluck lunches, they also created beautiful decorations and giveaways.
Under the leadership of Amalia Reta, director for women’s ministries in Spain, at least fourteen churches celebrated the Women’s International Day of Prayer. The spark igniting the enthusiasm of many women who want to share God’s love with others, seems to have begun when they attended the Women’s Ministries congress in Sevilla, September 2018. With so many enthusiastic women, the Women’s Ministries Department in Spain is thriving and making an impact.
Contributed by Spanish Union of Churches Conference Women’s Ministries
Photos: WM Spain (more photos at EUD Women's Ministries on Facebook)
Reported in Mosaic newsletter, 2019, Q2, Summer issue
International Women's Day of Prayer in Ticino, Italy
During the service, one woman also receives her certification for completing all four levels of leadership certification training.
Inter-European Division (EUD)
[Italy] The women’s ministries group of Massagno conducted the church service in Ticino, Italy, March 2, 2019, the day designated as International Women’s Day of Prayer in the global Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Five women participated in presenting the day’s topic, “Walking with Jesus.” Bernadette Fogliani, women’s ministry leader of the church, also gave a short history of the special day, dating back to 1990 when the General Conference Office of Women’s Ministries instituted the International Women’s Day of Prayer. Prayers are suggested for many needs including for governments, persecuted Christians, suffering children, abused women, and church leaders.
On this special day Antonia Paz was awarded the Andrews University Continuing Education certificate after completion of all four levels of Women’s Ministries Leadership Certification. The certificate was presented by Ildiko Jennah, Women’s Ministries Department Director for French and Italian speaking parts of Switzerland, who stressed the importance of these leadership training seminars. Women who have participated in the courses are better able to serve in local churches and also in outreach.
For this special occasion the church had been decorated lovingly in the colors of the Ticino Women’s Ministries organization.
Contributed by Bernadette Fogliani
International Women's Day of Prayer in Austria
United in prayer, women also learn about conquering the "daily giants," those small distractions in life
Inter-European Division (EUD)
[Austria] An afternoon filled with uplifting activities provided inspiration and satisfaction for women gathered to observe International Women’s Day of Prayer. The meetings at the Liz and Wels Seventh-day Adventist Church in Austria began with a session of united prayer and closed with another prayer session that also included a season of personal, silent prayer.
Women also had opportunity to acquire knowledge during seminars and small group discussions. They learned how to deal with their “Daily Giants,” those many distractions of daily life. How do you hear the voice of God over the noise of living? It is often noted that you cannot see more than one step to take before God shines light on the next step. But sometimes, they learned, you must take additional steps in life before God reveals His next task. Even David in the Bible had to pass through his high and low phases until he was finally ready to rule as king.
Refreshments of fruit and tea wrapped up the pleasant afternoon of March 2, 2019.
Contributed by Jeanine Rollgaiser, director for Austrian Union Women’s Ministries
Photos: WM Austria
Women's International Day of Prayer in Paris, France
New women's ministries director for France and Belgium invites colleagues from work to attend an Adventist church for the first time.
Inter-European Division (EUD)
[France] More than 60 people celebrated International Women’s Day of Prayer in Paris, March 16, 2019 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church at Place d’Italie. Corina Timofté, the new director of women’s ministries in France and Belgium was invited to speak for the morning service. As many people do not know what Women’s Ministries actually does, Timofté explained the work and mission of the department. Many of those attending the seminar requested copies of the Timofté’s PowerPoint comprehensive presentation.
Many men who attended the service came to Timofté afterward to thank her. The small giveaways prepared for women also caught the attention of men who were present. Some had come without their families and asked to take home surprise gifts to present to their wives.
After the church service all were invited to partake of refreshments and enjoy companionship.
Timofté also invited colleagues from her place of work. Three of them came to an Adventist church for the first time. She praises God for giving her the strength to present her topic with a heart filled with joy.
Contributed by Franco-Belgian Union Women’s Ministries
Photos: WM FBU