Women's Ministries leadership certification flourishes in Fiji Mission
The visiting women's ministries union director is thrilled by the successful weekend of training.
South Pacific Division (SPD)
[Fiji] Women’s ministries in Fiji is not just functioning but flourishing so well the union director called it “thrilling” to see the thriving work led by Mrs. Miliakere Macdonald. On that particular visit, about 100 women assembled for women’s ministries leadership certification training, level 1. These women, currently involved in church and community, are already demonstrating leadership ability through their activities.
Macdonald, women’s ministries director of Fiji Mission, received a letter of appreciation from Nasoni Lutunaliwa of Trans Pacific Union Mission. “I just want to say thank you for your consistent effort in empowering our women at Fiji Mission.”
“My recent experience with you last weekend was a thriller,” writes Lutunaliwa. “I’m excited seeing our ladies engage themselves more in their gifts as we release them for a great [latter rain] harvest in 2019.”
Also noted in the letter: The current “content of women’s ministries leadership certification training aligns well with the emphasis in the world church on discipleship and Total Member Involvement.”
Lutunaliwa carries many responsibilities in the union as discipleship team coordinator and director of women’s ministries as well as several other ministries.
Contributed by Miliakere Macdonald, women’s ministries director at Fiji Mission
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2019 Q1