Making Umbrellas in Kerala
India | SUD WM | Pramila Masih | April 17, 2023
Professional umbrella-making skills economically empower twenty women to provide for their families and support to their local churches through tithes and offerings.
The state of Kerala has extreme rainfall and extreme heat. People are always in need of umbrellas. With this situation in mind, we realized that umbrella-making skills would effectively empower needy women in the Southwest India Union Section.
Professional umbrella makers, Vasantha and Shobhna (shown above with Pramila Masih in center), taught their skills to twenty women. Now these trained women will continue making beautiful umbrellas.
The goal for the women is to produce products they can market. Fabricating umbrellas allows the makers to bless their families with increased income, as well as to support their church congregations through tithes and offerings.
"May God bless the umbrella makers with good health and the support needed from their families to continue producing umbrellas." said Pramila Masih, Women's Ministries director for Southern Asia Division.
Photos by SUD WM
Contributed by Pramila Masih, WM director for Southern Asia Division (SUD)
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q2