Three thousand women joyfully wear purple sashes emblazoned with the words "Leadership Graduate."


Women's Ministries Leadership Certification, Level 4

Near Nairobi, 3,000 women participate in a formal graduation ceremony for completing all levels of WM Leadership Certification.

East-Central Africa Division (ECD)

[Kenya] Three thousand women of varied professions gathered at the campus of University of Eastern Africa Baraton in Kenya for one united purpose. They participated in a formal graduation ceremony for completing all four levels of Women’s Ministries Leadership Certification. These women discovered that leadership training enriches women of all professions.

Graduates from this committed group had invited guests to attend the first leadership training courses, and 212 of the three thousand graduating women who completed the training are friends of Seventh-day Adventist Church members. These women are grateful for the opportunity to learn, and they testify that the training program changed their personal lives and improved their approach to their professional lives.

The function, held November 8-11, 2018, was organized by Roselyn Ayayo, director of West Kenyan Union Conference Women’s Ministries. The graduation event was officiated by Raquel Arrais, associate director of General Conference Women’s Ministries and Debbie Maloba, director of East-Central Africa Division Women’s Ministries.

Afterward female health professionals from the West Kenyan Union Conference attended a one-day training facilitated by Arrais, Maloba, and Pastor Emanuel Pelote, assistant to the president of East-Central Africa Division. The focused training reinforced and encouraged women in the good work they do of assisting women of all ages who are living with health challenges. Reports by different participants included stories and pictures of many community projects. The climax of the day was visiting a community with a significant number of HIV positive cases. The health professionals and women’s ministries leaders distributed clothes, shoes, food, and other needed items.

Contributed by Debbie Maloba, director of East-Central Africa Division Children's and Women's Ministries

Reported in Mosaic newsletter, 2019, Q2, Summer issue