Leadership Certification graduation becomes a soul-saving outreach event in Kenya
Seven people make decisions for baptism, and an offering is collected during the graduation ceremony that will sponsor five needy families near Nairobi.
East-Central Africa Division (ECD)
[Kenya] Women who completed all levels of Women’s Ministries Leadership training gathered with women who completed all levels of Children’s Ministries Leadership training for a joint graduation ceremony in Karura, Nairobi, Kenya, in the summer of 2019. The event was held at the headquarters of the Central Kenya Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
But this occasion was more than a graduation. It became an outreach event.
Not only did the people participating in and attending the graduation become moved to collect an offering for five needy families in the community, many responded to an altar call, seven of whom also made the decision for baptism.
The speaker for the occasion, Debbie Maloba, Women’s Ministries director for East-Central Africa Division, made the altar call at the end of her sermon. In addition to the five families who will be assisted by the offering, Maloba is also raising funds for medical treatment for an epileptic woman and her young daughter who have no support at all.
One of the goals of Women’s Ministries is to make every occasion also an opportunity for outreach.
Contributed by Debbie Maloba, Women's Ministries director of East-Central Africa Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2019 Q3, summer issue