"God With Us"
Practical Lessons for Small Groups
Korea | NSD WM | Raquel Arrais | March 16, 2023
Christian Living Leadership School brings revival and joy to attendees.
The core project for the women's outreach activities in Korea is the Christian Living Leadership School for women leaders. Women attending the leadership workshop learn Bible-based lessons together and when they return to their local congregations, they teach the practical lessons for Christian living in small groups in their churches. Church members are then equipped to hold small groups in their homes to share the lessons for Christian living with neighbors and friends.
The Christian Living Leadership School 2023 theme is “God With Us” and consists of five lessons with topics: the God who visits us, the God who is with us when we need it the most, the God who laughs and cries with us, the God who guides us, and the God who is our example for mission service. The 55 women leaders attending this workshop laughed together, cried together, shared the love of God through Bible stories, and prayed together. The training also included Bible study and an introduction to correlating books on the topics.
The participating leaders serve as instructors for leadership classes in their conferences, training other leaders, and serving as leaders in small groups. Women’s Ministries directors from the five conferences of Korean Union Conference completed the curriculum material, February 15-16.
In 2022, 267 small groups in 84 churches conducted the Christian Living Leadership School and 1,633 people completed the lessons. As a result, a revival took place and members were restored to the joy of being followers of Jesus.
The Women’s Ministries leaders expect that in 2023, more people and church members will meet God in their journey through this program and the news of salvation can be shared to many.
Photo credit: WM Korea
Contributed by Raquel Arrais, Women’s Ministries director for Northern Asia-Pacific Ocean Division (NSD)
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q2