One day in a quiet setting refreshes women
"Making a Difference" retreat reminds women how much influence they have in their families, church, and communities.
Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA)
[Lebanon] Sometimes it takes fifty friends to help you get out of your routine so that you can see how much God can do with your routine. This was the purpose of our University Church’s women’s ministry retreat held October 2017.
Held a short drive away from the Middle East University campus in Beirut (the location of the University Church), the full day’s program in a quiet setting inspired us with the challenge of “Making a Difference” in the community around us—in our families, at work, with our friends.
The singing, testimonies, small group activities, skits, and quiet time gave us new, refreshing pictures of how God wants to use each of us in the normal activities and duties of our day to influence others for Him.
Contributed by Amal Fawzy, Women's Ministries liaison for Middle East and North Africa Union Mission
Published in Mosaic newsletter, Summer 2018