Women Together in Mission in Mongolia
"I Will Go Reach My World" evangelism outreach targets the city of Khutul.
Mongolia | NSD WM | March 16, 2023 | Raquel Arrais
Part of the outreach strategy for the Women’s Ministries Department in the Mongolia Mission is to mobilize women to leave their comfort zone and be part of a “I Will GO, Reach My World” movement where sisters from different churches in Mongolia come together as a group for an evangelism campaign in a target city in their country.
On January 22-28, nine women from different churches in Mongolia led by Oyuntuya Batsukh, Mongolia Mission Women’s Ministries director, traveled together to Khutul, a city in the Selenge province, where you can observe Orkhon and Selenge river basin from the top of the high mountain (pictured right).
Together they held a daily program addressing the needs of the communities around the church. Together they visited prisons, delivered messages to the inmates, offered health talks and brought hope and healing for those who attended the meetings. The Khutul church was opened every morning for a seminar and prayer. The women also prepared a special program for children who during the wintertime don't have many outdoors activities.
The feedback from those who participated in the meetings showed how much they enjoyed participating, serving, and ministering together in an integrative form. “This initiative has been a blessing for our sisters as they GO and share the love of Jesus though their spiritual gifts” says Oyuntuya Batsukh. During the years 2021-2025, the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church is focusing on "I Will Go."
The joy of this special outreach program will inspire many more initiatives in the time to come as women GO and reach their world in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division.
Photo credits: WM Mongolia
Written by Raquel Arrais, Women’s Ministries director of Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)
Tourism photo: Saikhani khutul, Selenge aimag, Mongolia Guide
Published in eMosaic newsletter, 2023 Q2