Women's Ministries Emphasis Day 2023
Northern Asia-Pacific Division | NSD WM | Yoon ChungSil | August 7, 2023
In Korea, approximately 180 churches empower women to preach in the pulpit for WM Emphasis Day. It is noteworthy that the involvement of women preachers in their 30s and 40s is on the rise.
The Women’s Ministries department of the Korean Union Conference (KUC) organized Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day nationwide on the fourth week of June 2023. The sermon provided by the General Conference Women's Ministries department, titled “A Love that Precedes One’s Choices,” and written by Margery Herinirina, was translated into Korean. Also, Pastor Hwang ChunKwang, former president of KUC, wrote a sermon titled “Thus Says the Lord God,” and Pastor Yoon ChungSil, KUC Women’s Ministries director, wrote “The Comforter,” for the this special day. Since Korean Adventist Church normally holds three worships a week, on Thursday, Friday, and Sabbath, local churches were encouraged to deliver those three sermons through women preachers.
In the recent past, women's involvement in ministries in Korean Adventist churches has been primarily limited to serving in the dining hall, while leading the main worship service, praying, teaching Sabbath school, and delivering God’s word have been predominantly performed by men. The Women's Ministries Emphasis Day has become an opportunity for many women in the church to actively participate in all programs and services, expanding their scope of ministries. This year, approximately 180 churches empowered women to preach God's word, and each church encouraged the preachers with gifts and granted certificates of appreciation. Although 180 churches constitute a small number, less than 5% of the total number of Adventist churches in Korea, it is encouraging to see the increasing participation in the Women's Ministries Emphasis Day each year. Moreover,
Furthermore, during this Women's Ministries Emphasis Day, a video was presented at Sabbath School to introduce the flagship project of KUC Women’s Ministries, known as the "School of Valuable Life." Each year, the materials developed by the Women’s Ministries directors of local conferences are adapted and used in various forms according to the needs of each church. This year's promotional video featured the senior Bible school, small group evangelism, and couple evangelism for non-Adventist husbands—programs that were successfully implemented by the Southeast Korean Conference.
Photo credit: WM Korea
Written by Yoon ChungSil, Family Ministries director for Korean Union Conference in Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q3