"We Will Go in the Strength of the Lord"
WM Departmental Advisory in Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Seoul, Korea | NSD WM news | Raquel Arrais | April 29, 2023
Women's Ministries directors pose for a photo before visiting the Aegibong Observatory to pray that God will soon open the border with North Korea.
The Women’s Ministries (WM) departmental hybrid advisory was held April 2-4, at the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) headquarters in the metroplex of Seoul, Korea. This was a special time when the directors could meet each other face to face after the pandemic, although some guest presenters attended by Zoom.
Directors and leaders came together to prayerfully strategize for the rest of the quinquennium. General Conference Women's Ministries leaders, Heather-Dawn Small (GC WM director) and Nilde Itin (GC WM associate director), assisted Raquel Arrais (NSD WM director) with inspirational messages and guidance for issues that impact the role of women's ministries in the church. Virginia Baloyo (Southern Asia-Pacific Division WM director) and Karen Holford (Trans-European Division WM director) were powerful guest presenters. Their experience, wisdom, and ministry projects were well received by the directors.
During the three-day advisory, WM leaders focused on “I will GO, Reach My World,” and “A Ministry for Every Woman.” Reports which covered challenges and plans for their territories were given by in a beautiful way by each union/mission leader. Special sessions were devoted to prayer, brainstorming, and planning, as well time to exercise and refreshment. The emphases are divided into three areas: Nurture, Empower and Outreach.
Dr. Kim Yo Han (NSD president) welcomed the directors and encouraged them to lead their territories in the spirit of mission and Total Member Involvement as they GO and REACH their WORLD. A special presentation was also given by Seong Jun Byun (NSD Communication director) on how to use social media for evangelism. The book of the year, The Great Controversy 2.0, was presented by Pastor Kim Kwon (NSD Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Director) who motivated all the participants to be part of this movement in a personal way. Jonas Arrais (NSD Ministerial Secretary) shared tools and ideas on how to engage the women in Total Member Involvement using their spiritual gifts.
A highlight of the advisory was visiting the Aegibong Observatory on the border between North and South Korea. It was a special moment of prayer and recommitment as we asked God to open North Korea for the Gospel.
The WM department has set goals for the work to be done in the next few years. Women's Ministries will continue to nurture, empower, and reach out to ensure that all women are involved in God’s mission and service. Every woman has a ministry, and together “we go in the strength of the Lord” (Psalm 71:16).
Photos: NSD WM
Contributed by Raquel Arrais, WM director of Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q2