A Call to Tell, A Ministry to Love

A Call to Tell
A Ministry to Love

Prison Ministry in Bolivia Leads to Baptism

Prison Ministries have brought many results and many stories of love. In November 2007, God showed me that I should visit Dr. Gladys Flores at the rehabilitation center because we needed to renew our identification cards. These cards were required in order to enter the prison to do our ministry. When I went to the center and asked for Dr. Gladys, the man at the door gave me a cool reception. I asked God for help and went through the necessary formalities. While waiting for her, I walked down the hall, where I met a very kind man, the Director of Migration.

While we talked, I mentioned the reason I came; and he explained that on that day they would be participating in the pachamama, a typical Bolivian ritual to worship the goddess of the earth. Because of this special event, I could not talk with Dr. Gladys, but I made a later appointment.

When we did meet, I gave her information about our church, and told her of all the work we had been doing in the prison for the last three years. She was moved when she heard of our efforts. She asked many questions. However, I took the opportunity to talk about the pachamama. Dr. Gladys was surprised that I knew she was involved in those rituals. Talking further with her, I read some Bible verses. We prayed together, and I appealed to her to get to know Jesus; gladly, she accepted.

After five months of Bible study, Dr. Gladys accepted Jesus as her personal savior. She experienced problems at work, including death threats, but God protected her. Because of this and God's guidance she was lead to resign, despite all the appreciation and support that she had from those she had helped.

Soon she was baptized, with her husband's and children's support. Today she works in the immigration department, in a private office.

Our ministry at the rehabilitation center is not finished yet. We have land donated by the government, and we have been asked to build a new Seventh-day Adventist rehabilitation center. Yes, God is leading us in our ministry, and God can lead you. Just have faith!

-Source: SAD WM/Testimony by Sandra Catherine Molina Urdininéa


Focus on the News


Touching Hearts in Australia
South Pacific Division

Almost 2 hours from Adelaide 70 women came to renew and submerge themselves in the Word of God and fellowship. With a focus on youth, women from 14 to 28 recieved a special invitation to attend.

The theme for the retreat was, "The Daughter God Always Wanted." The activities focused on creative prayer times, letters to school graduates, making cards, and scrapbooking with a special theme. The women raised funds for a specific school project in the Kirabati islands. The idea was not only to reach ladies in local churches, but to also create an opportunity for outreach to a broader community.

As part of the fun, the women created outfits for themselves with craft pieces and sheets; they made delightful creations. A special feast was followed by watching "One Night with the King," the story of Queen Esther

Many special moments were created, and Sheri Gray, the guest speaker, enabled the women to discover God's true value expressed in each woman present.

Retreats are vital connection points for reaching our to each other. Equally important is strengthening one's connection with God and learning that we can have that personal interaction whenever needed-and all the time! The rewards are amazing and life-changing.

Source: Wendy La Dru-Smith , South Australian Conference WM director

Leadership Certification in Chinese
Northern Asia-Pacific Division

One of the challenges faced by Women's Ministries departments is translation of materials to make resources available to women in their own languages. This year will be a big year for the women in China. Our sisters from China Union Mission have translated the GCWM Leadership Certification level 1. They are ready to start the training in many churches in China, equipping, educating and inspiring our women to be better leaders.

Literacy Program Brings Women Together
South American Division

For the second consecutive year, Lake Titicaca Mission in Puno, Peru, has presented the Literacy Program in the Puno state rural areas. Seventy-five volunteers supported this program as facilitators. At least 1,470 adults completed the program, which was presented in 71 literacy centers. "Our gratitude for the committed leaders, faithful brothers and sisters who worked as volunteers, giving hours of dedication to God's service."

Source: Women's' Ministries, South Peru Union,
Lima, Peru

Planning Time
North American Division Advisory

Women's Ministries in NAD held their biennial advisory at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, on January 19 with approximately fifty Union and Conference Women's Ministries directors attending.

The 2009 Year of Evangelism was an important topic. Women were challenged to use literacy projects and Bible studies as outreach tools. They also received training on how to reach out to Muslim women, as well as pointers for working with teens.

Special guest Raquel Arrais, GC Women's Ministries associate director, and Carla Baker, NAD Women's Ministries director, shared new resources available for Women's Ministries to make their ministry easier and more productive.

Source: Carla Baker, NADWM director



Inspiration for You


Concepts from Ellen G. White

Find Happiness
"Faith in God's love and overruling providence lightens the burdens of anxiety and care. It fills the heart with joy and contentment in the highest or the lowliest lot. Religion tends directly to promote health, to lengthen life, and to heighten our enjoyment of all its blessings. It opens to the soul a never-failing fountain of happiness." Christian Education, 68.1

The Best Medicine
"The consciousness of right-doing is the best medicine for diseased bodies and minds. The special blessing of God resting upon the receiver is health and strength. A person whose mind is quiet and satisfied in God, is in the pathway to health." Counsels on Health, 628

Cultivate Faith
"You need a daily baptism of the love that in the days of the apostles made them all of one accord. This love will bring health to body, mind, and soul. Surround your soul with an atmosphere that will strengthen spiritual life. Cultivate faith, hope, courage, and love. Let the peace of God rule in your heart." Counsels for the Church, 175

Come to Christ
"Many are suffering from maladies of the soul far more than from diseases of the body, and they will find no relief until they shall come to Christ, the wellspring of life. Complaints of weariness, loneliness, and dissatisfaction will then cease. Satisfying joys will give vigor to the mind and health and vital energy to the body." Counsels on Health, 241.1

Find Forgiveness
"The burden of sin, with its unrest and unsatisfied desires, is the foundation of their maladies. They can find no relief until they come to the Healer of the soul. The peace which He alone can give, would impart vigor to the mind, and health to the body." Desire of Ages, 270.1




• 450 million worldwide suffer from poor mental health.
• 20% display mental disorders.
• In developing countries, two in five women suffer from depression.
• One million people commit suicide every year.
• 1 in 4 women experience depression
• 10% to 15% of women experience depression during pregnancy.
• One in three rape victims suffer from post traumatic stress disorder.
• Up to 40% of people living with HIV/AIDS suffer from depression
Source: UNFPA Emerging Issues: Mental, Sexual and Reproductive Health Report, 2008

Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle

Geneva, Switzerland, and Collonges-sous-Salève, France

July 6 to 11, 2009

This conference, held in two venues, with seventeen tracks, offering over 250 presentations by 100 international specialists, will give you evidence-based information, working models, and target strategies to meet the pressing needs of your community for improved health and spiritual care.
General Conference Women's Ministries will be holding seminars on Women's Mental Health for leaders from all over the world. For more information go to: www.healthlifestyleconf.com


International Women's Day


In 1975, during International Women's Year, the United Nations began celebrating March 8 as International Women's Day.

This year's theme is "Women and Men: United to End Violence against Women." The United Nations will focus on the UN Secretary-General's multi-year campaign, UNITE to End Violence against Women.

Fighting violence against women: what works

In countries around the world, a number of promising practices to prevent or respond to violence against women have been developed by states, NGOs, and civil society organizations. These include: enacting clear policies and laws; establishing strong enforcement mechanisms; hiring effective and well-trained personnel; and involving many parts of government and the community.

Fighting violence against women: what we can do

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31: 8-9 (NIV)

  • Provide abuse education seminars
  • Support women's shelters
  • Offer seminars dealing with emotional healing
  • The 4th Sabbath of August each year on the church calendar is "Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day." Encourage the leadership of the church to make this Sabbath a priority.

"Every experience God gives us, every person he puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see."   Corrie Ten Boom

"Women are the real architects of society."  Harriet Beecher Stowe

"The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world."  Charles Malik, former President of the United Nations General Assembly

Prayer Corner

  • Women's Literacy Centers
  • Women in evangelism
  • Prison Ministries
  • Women who are facing war in their countries
  • GC Women's Ministries Awareness Week


  • March: Women's History Month
  • March 7: Women's International Day of Prayer
  • March 21: International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination