Touching Hearts in Australia
South Pacific Division

Almost 2 hours from Adelaide 70 women came to renew and submerge themselves in the Word of God and fellowship. With a focus on youth, women from 14 to 28 recieved a special invitation to attend.

The theme for the retreat was, "The Daughter God Always Wanted." The activities focused on creative prayer times, letters to school graduates, making cards, and scrapbooking with a special theme. The women raised funds for a specific school project in the Kirabati islands. The idea was not only to reach ladies in local churches, but to also create an opportunity for outreach to a broader community.

As part of the fun, the women created outfits for themselves with craft pieces and sheets; they made delightful creations. A special feast was followed by watching "One Night with the King," the story of Queen Esther

Many special moments were created, and Sheri Gray, the guest speaker, enabled the women to discover God's true value expressed in each woman present.

Retreats are vital connection points for reaching our to each other. Equally important is strengthening one's connection with God and learning that we can have that personal interaction whenever needed-and all the time! The rewards are amazing and life-changing.

Source: Wendy La Dru-Smith , South Australian Conference WM director

Leadership Certification in Chinese
Northern Asia-Pacific Division

One of the challenges faced by Women's Ministries departments is translation of materials to make resources available to women in their own languages. This year will be a big year for the women in China. Our sisters from China Union Mission have translated the GCWM Leadership Certification level 1. They are ready to start the training in many churches in China, equipping, educating and inspiring our women to be better leaders.

Literacy Program Brings Women Together
South American Division

For the second consecutive year, Lake Titicaca Mission in Puno, Peru, has presented the Literacy Program in the Puno state rural areas. Seventy-five volunteers supported this program as facilitators. At least 1,470 adults completed the program, which was presented in 71 literacy centers. "Our gratitude for the committed leaders, faithful brothers and sisters who worked as volunteers, giving hours of dedication to God's service."

Source: Women's' Ministries, South Peru Union,
Lima, Peru

Planning Time
North American Division Advisory

Women's Ministries in NAD held their biennial advisory at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, on January 19 with approximately fifty Union and Conference Women's Ministries directors attending.

The 2009 Year of Evangelism was an important topic. Women were challenged to use literacy projects and Bible studies as outreach tools. They also received training on how to reach out to Muslim women, as well as pointers for working with teens.

Special guest Raquel Arrais, GC Women's Ministries associate director, and Carla Baker, NAD Women's Ministries director, shared new resources available for Women's Ministries to make their ministry easier and more productive.

Source: Carla Baker, NADWM director