Focus on the News
Women's Health Conference
Southern Asia-Pacific Division
The first Women's Health Congress held in Baguio city last April 22-25 was attended by 260 women. Plenary sessions and workshops were presented. Women underwent laboratory tests to check their cholesterol and sugar level as well as for cancer cells and hepatitis B. The majority of the delegates were found physically healthy.
The congress closed with a commitment service challenging each woman to recommit their lives to the health message: nurturing their souls inwardly and reaching out to the surrounding communities.
Mother-Daughter Retreat
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
The Botswana Union Women's Ministries department conducted a mother and daughter retreat on relationship building and communication at a holiday resort in Rustenburg, South Africa. Mothers and daughters (and a few fathers) came from across the country to attend the retreat. The conference was funded by NACA (the National AIDS Coordinating Agency) of Botswana.
The theme of the retreat was "Connecting with One Another." The interactive program addressed different topics such as mother and daughter communication, dealing with conflict, forgiving one another, respecting one another, and loving one another.
Saturday night a special mother-daughter gala dinner was held. The beauty of the dinner was to see the bonding of mothers and daughters and to see how beautiful they all looked.
First Women's Congress, Bulgaria
Euro-Africa Division
The first women's congress in Bulgaria was held in the capital earlier this year. Christianne Vertallier, the guest speaker and former Women's Ministries director from EUD, presented workshops: "Women's mental health," "How to develop a good self-esteem" and "Genetics and doctrines." An official lunch was held where each lady received a soft scarf as a symbol of God's loving embrace; a small pottery vessel with a chocolate treasure in it; and a special prayer printed on a beautiful card. The enditnow program was introduced as the women had special prayer for all past and present victims of abuse all over the world. Two hundred petitions were signed to stop violence against women and girls.