A Bold Plan to Spread Truth for These Times
The General
Conference Launches the Great Controversy
Project for the World Field
Women have accepted the challenge!
The Project Plan
The Great Controversy Project is an initiative of General Conference President, Pastor Ted Wilson. The challenge to the world field is to distribute massive quantities of a shortened version of The Great Controversy as part of the Church’s worldwide “Tell the World” emphasis.
Divisions are making plans for this mass distribution. The various ministries of the Church are also making plans to share…… the distribution. Each leader and member, young and old, is challenged to help. Each entity of the Church—schools, media centers, health-care institutions, support organizations, independent ministries, and any other ministry connected with the Church—is asked to join in this global initiative.
The Project Phases
The project has two phases:
- Read it! During 2011 each woman is encouraged to read or reread The Great Controversy.
- Distribute! During 2012 and 2013 it will be the Missionary Book of the Year. We can include it in our Women’s Ministries plans.
The Project Partners
Each one of us is invited to be a partner in this bold plan. Every woman can be involved. If you have not yet heard of the plans for your region, please ask your conference or union and ask how you can get involved. As a Women’s Ministries leader, share with them your ideas.
The Project’s Prayer Need
This project needs your prayers. We are moving forward with prayer, humbly seeking God’s guidance each step of the way. Invite the women in your church to form prayer circles to pray for this special outreach.
Our prayer is that the Great Controversy Project will spread truth, transform lives, and bring us closer together as a Church family as we spread the word of Christ’s soon coming.
More information: see www.thegreathope.org for information and resources for both recipients and distributors.
(Based on an article in Elder’s Digest magazine – July/September 2011, by Delbert Baker, a General Conference General Vice President and the administrative coordinator for this project.)