Inspiration for You


Our sisters, the youth, the middle-aged, and those of advanced years, may act a part in the closing work for this time; and in doing this as they have opportunity, they will obtain an experience of the highest value to themselves. In forgetfulness of self, they will grow in grace.

Evangelism, p. 468

East-Central Africa Division (ECD)

In September Debbie Maloba, ECD WM director, oversaw WM congresses in Burundi and Tanzania and traveled to Kenya and Zanzibar accompanied by Raquel Arrais, GC WM associate director, and Dr. Katia Reinert, NAD Health Ministries director. Training seminars promoted healthful living, and wellness in mental and emotional health; inspired and equipped women for sharing their faith; and emphasized Revival and Reformation.



BURUNDI - Renewed and Committed to Serve

The Burundi WM congress goal—Revival and Reformation—was the catalyst to NURTURE more than 200 women, many of them local church WM leaders, by encouraging them to develop their relationship with Jesus, to spend time daily reading the Bible, and to engage in vibrant prayer life.

Women invited from other churches joined the congress for worship services Sabbath where Raquel Arrais appealed to participants to commit themselves to constant prayer and study of God’s word. Women in Burundi face many challenges, but they opened their hearts to be filled with the Holy Spirit, returning home spiritually renewed to nurture others.


KENYA - Giving a Future to Maasai Girls

Kajiado Adventist Educational & Rehab Centre brings hope and healing to Maasai girls, EMPOWERING them to graduate from university, to make wise decisions about their future, and to become change agents in their families and communities.

Founded in 2000 with fourteen girls in residence, the Kajiado Centre rescues and provides education to young Maasai girls who would otherwise never attend school due to destitution, being orphaned or early child forced marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Kajiado Centre needs financial help to build more classrooms and dormitories for 200 residents and to pay teachers and counselors who far too often volunteer their own time and energy to keep the Centre open. Find out more at


TANZANIA - Filled with Joy for Service

 Led by Winfrida Aneth Mitekaro, Tanzania Union WM director, Adventist women raised more than 5 million shillings for OUTREACH. They dreamed big and plan to build an entrepreneur training center in Dar Es Salaam.

To open the Tanzania WM congress and to inaugurate the building fund, government officials Dr. Fenela Mukangala, Minister for Sport, Culture, and Youth, accompanied by Dr. Ernet Zayumba, who represented the Minister for Gender and Family, presented 1 million shillings as a contribution toward the 750 million needed to complete the project.

The congress theme—Revived for Service—was used by Raquel Arrais in a stirring Sabbath sermon emphasizing personal revival to impact others for Christ. “We need the presence of the Holy Spirit. We need to come empty and God will fill us,” she said. Attendees aren’t the same after participating in the conference. Filled with joy, they committed to serve the Lord always.