WM Leadership Certification Training, Level 2
Pakistan | SSD WM | Virgie Baloyo | March 2, 2023
Hybrid leadership training inspires happy women to form Care Groups that grow disciples for Jesus.
Sixty women in Pakistan Union Section (PKU), many of them teachers, finished Level 2 of their Women’s Ministries (WM) Leadership Certification training, February 8 and 9. The hybrid training drew 42 women that came in person at the PKU campus church; 14 from the Southern Section attended online, while four joined from the Northern Section.
As a warm welcome and affirmation of their valuable contribution to the gospel work, the ladies were given long-stemmed gladiolas in shades on peach, white, and pink. The ladies—garbed in their colorful Pakistani shalwar (baggy trouser), kameez (long shirt), and scarf, remained attentive and active by singing energizing church choruses accompanied by the ukulele playing of SSD WM director Virgie Baloyo.
Organized by the PKU WM director, Young Moon Kim, Level 2 training topics were presented by two Pakistani women speakers– Ruth Ashir (PKU WM Director), and Khalida Suba (Church School Principal). SSD WM Director Virgie Baloyo flew in to teach and share her personal experience in Literacy training.
Three male speakers also presented their expertise: Retired SSD Executive Secretary Pastor Rudy Baloyo spoke on how to reclaim former members; PKU Executive Secretary Elder Illyas Ashir Khan shared about preparing programs and budgeting; Pakistan Seminary and College President Pastor Gee Sung Bae, gave a stirring presentation on Prayer and Small Group ministry, inspiring the ladies to form Care Groups that really grow disciples for Jesus.
Despite her Pakistan visa challenge, Nilde Itin, GC WM Associate Director, was still able to teach fundamentals of Christian Counselling via zoom. She was based in the SSD campus in the Philippines at the time of her presentation.
During the commitment program the ladies were encouraged to go light their world for Christ as part of the Go Light Our World (GLOW) Plan. They were each given the GLOW apron, a certificate of attendance, and a souvenir gift in gratitude of their faithful attendance and participation.
Photo credit: SSD WM
Written by Virginia Baloyo, Women's Ministries director for Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD)
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q2