Balm for Women’s Souls

Romania | EUD WM news | Violeta Aldescu | April 3, 2023

For a decade, this annual program from women in the Oltenia Conference continues to bring joy to their community.

In Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romanaia, spring began with Balm for Women's Souls! On Sunday, March 12, 2023, at 17.00, the local Anton Pann Theatre hosted the 10th edition of the program.

With much joy in their hearts and a festive atmosphere, more than 200 people participated in this event. The special guests on this occasion were Dr. Ana Maria Zanfir, a head physician in vascular surgery. She gave a presentation entitled "Health is Beauty." Felix Musat, pastor and psychotherapist with postgraduate studies in communication gave a presentation entitled "Love is a verb!" "Aroma and Flavor" presented by Cristina Soare brought news in the field of nutrition with a presentation entitled "Culinary trends in the food of the future". The quality music gave joy and praise to God through the renowned soprano Camelia Clavac, accompanied at the piano by Prof. Dorina Arsenescu and the UniSong Vocal Group.

"We are aware that the longevity of the program is due to God!" confessed Violeta Aldescu, host of this wonderful event. In the end, the women received roses and a keychain, woven out of cotton by Adelina Uță, a lover of beauty, who also decorated the stage. In the hallway of the theatre, the local Sola Scriptura bookshop had a book stand where people could buy books. The tastings and recipes on offer delighted the participants and amazed them with the great taste of the vegetarian dishes.

We congratulate the wonderful team for a decade of activity that brings joy to people's souls, and wish you Happy Happy Birthday, Balm for Women's Souls!

Photo credit: Romania WM
As reported by Violeta Aldescu, program coordinator

If you would like to watch this program, please click on the link below.

Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q2