Ross Ann Kirshner Takes the Lead
Jerusalem | Israel Field news | December 15, 2022 | Nilde Itin
Israel Field appoints new Women’s Ministries leader who immediately organizes training session for Adventist women in Israel.
God’s work among the people of Israel is moving forward. With the election of the new Women’s Ministries leader, Ross Ann Kirshner, the work to nurture and empower for outreach will take a new chapter for the fulfillment of the great commission to “Go into all the world.”
With the presence of a group of women representatives from various local churches and their women’s ministries leaders, and with the support of the administration and leadership of the Israel Field, and with the leadership of the GC Women’s Ministries associate director Nilde Itin, a women’s meeting was held on December 3, 2022, with the purpose of encouraging, equipping, and inspiring women for outreach and mission to reach their world.
Time went by quickly during the meeting, learning about Women’s Ministries, working in groups, sharing insights about Bible stories as depicted by participants, and exchanging outreach ideas in their language groups. Some of the attendees were surprised and happy about what they had experienced. Many expressed that they were leaving the meeting encouraged and ready to continue the conversation and make plans for reaching their families, friends, and community with the wonderful message of hope and peace found in Jesus.
We look forward to hearing more of how God’s work in the hearts and lives of His people in Israel is progressing.
Photo credit: WM Israel with Nilde Itin
Written by Nilde Itin, associate director of General Conference Women’s Ministries
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q1