
Engaging young girls in the life of the church:

A priority of Women's Ministries around the world

Our division Women's Ministries (WM) leaders are planning and organizing activities to train, equip, and inspire this generation of girls in becoming godly women.

We have an army of young women ready to stand up and do something for Jesus. If we include them, they will flourish and reach full bloom. We women know what to teach them, what to warn them from, what to share with them, so that one day they do not cry, “If I had only known!” Our sisters in Moscow do not want to hear this pitiful excuse in their church and are actively planning its prevention by engaging the young people in the life of their congregation.

This Russian church is including all of their young people

Euro-Asia Division (ESD)

[Moscow] Mentoring young girls in one Moscow church included a special “camp meeting,” which occurred one Sabbath following the worship service and potluck and carried over until noon Sunday. The event was attended by nine girls, ages 10-15, and included a lock-in pajama party Saturday night.

Afternoon seminar topics dealt with understanding real beauty, caring for their bodies, having good posture, and discovering good sport exercises for young girls. After the girls prepared supper for themselves, a stylist presented a master class about building a wardrobe appropriate for young women, choosing clothing for church, school, or active pastimes, and coordinating outfits using the color palette. The highlight for the girls was demonstrating what they learned by putting together different outfits. The activity gave them many positive feelings. Sunday morning, a craft class and a prayer breakfast closed their camp meeting.

How did the girls evaluate their camp meeting experience?

“We want more like this!” they enthusiastically responded.

How did the boys react to the camp meeting for girls only?

“And what about us? We want a camp meeting, too!” they begged the pastor.

That same week the boys' lock-in pajama party was organized for the next Sabbath. Each boy brought kitchen utensils and they learned to cook dinner for themselves. After watching a video with the pastor, he discussed the influence of the Internet with them. They enjoyed the friendly man-to-man conversation. The conditions for night's lodging were not as comfortable as for the girls but sleeping mats on the floor did not present a hardship for the young men! They enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, familiar games, and interesting conversations with mentors.

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).

Praise the Lord for such possibilities! We hope that there is more to come.

Contributed by Raisa Ostrovskaya, WM director, Euro-Asia Division, and Raquel Arrais, associate director, General Conference Women's Ministries

Published in Mosaic newsletter, Spring 2018

Download seminar—Impacting Teenagers by General Conference Women's Ministries
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