
A week of camp living attracts friends of church members

Adventist women reach out to non-church women through this popular friendship camp.

Euro-Asia Division (ESD)

[Russian Federation] The week of camp living is called “Happy Family—Grant a Smile.” Each summer Seventh-day Adventist women in the Rostov-Kalmykia Conference of the Caucasus Union Mission invite their friends who are not church members to experience a week of camp just for women. The location by a beautiful river is a perfect setting to connect with Jesus outside of church walls and build bonds of friendship.

Since everything begins with friendship, the week in nature is a perfect tool to bring women together in prayer and the study of God’s Word. But like summer camp for children, women enjoy the seminars and classes, and particularly mention the highlights as crafts, cooking, discovering personal style in fashion, and understanding the clothing styles suited for individual fit.

The daily routine begins with exercises and morning worship with singing. The prayer service and prayer room invite prayer reflection. Team games create relationships, collaborations, and group cohesion. Throughout the day teams prepare performances and small programs for their assigned evening meeting which also includes group singing. Another evening activity for campers is the opportunity to exhibit and sell their crafts.

The week of adult summer camp is so successful that women from other conferences also attend and bring their friends.

Contributed by Elena V. Koltuk, Women's Ministries director for Caucasus Union Mission

Published in Mosaic newsletter, Summer 2018