Women's Ministries Emphasis Day 2023
South American Division | SAD WM | Jeanete Pinto | August 14, 2023
Thousands of Adventist churches across South America hold a women's evangelistic week, culminating with many baptisms on WM Emphasis Day, promoted as Adventist Women's Missionary Sabbath.
Argentina Union Conference
The Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day was very special and blessed. For weeks they worked with different initiatives, such as visiting alienated sisters, former Adventists, and friends of Pray to Save, organizing meetings of friends for Saturday afternoon, kneading, and baking the missionary bread that would be distributed on Saturday afternoon, arranging visits to maternity homes, and various community centers, etc., but above all praying and preparing spiritually to present the sermon specially prepared for that day.
Saturday morning was a real celebration for the sisters of the church. They preached and made calls to be missionaries. In the afternoon they went out to make visits handing out whole wheat loaves of bread as a symbol of sharing "Jesus, the Bread of life" with all those who need His salvation. They visited maternity hospitals, squares, train stations, neighborhoods, and homes of families of brothers and sisters that have left the church or non-Adventist friends. They set up missionary tables to hold Bible studies, invite to events such as Friendship Teas, and handed out missionary books.
Here are two testimonies:
In the Church of Tolosa, District of La Plata, BoC, three friends who attended the Meetings of Friends gave their lives to Jesus through baptism.
Brethren from the Church of Lanus Oeste set up a missionary table, and when Mrs. Delia approached, she was given a missionary book. She said: "It seems that God brought me here. I was going to take a bus and I decided to walk here instead. My son is hospitalized because he had an accident, a bus ran over him, and he has to be operated because he has four broken ribs and one of them perforated his lung". She agreed that we should pray for her and her son right there, and she left us her phone number to keep in touch and continue praying. With tears in her eyes, she gratefully said goodbye, taking the missionary book, the little bread with the card, and a flyer with the address of the church.
Bolivia Union Mission
In Bolivia, 887 churches held the Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day, which was connected to Women's Evangelism Week. We celebrated Missionary Sabbath with baptisms. Between June 3rd and 10th, 992 baptisms took place in Bolivia.
Central Brazil Union Conference
Throughout the territory of the Central Brazil Union Conference, thousands of women on the Women's Ministries Emphasis Day carried out the following activities: Evangelistic tea, worship in the squares, distribution of missionary books, distribution of a succulent plant with the invitation to attend the evangelism week, tents of prayer and visits.
The missionary action focus was to invite men, women, children, and young people to participate in the evangelistic series that started on the same Sabbath in most churches.
West Central Brazil Union Mission
Throughout the territory of WCBUM, women on this specific Sabbath carried out activities that impacted the community, such as outdoor worship, visits to nursing homes, and food collection to assemble baskets of food supplies for donation, among other activities. Also, in celebration of the Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day, recognition was given to a sister who has been preaching the love of God for 79 years. Also a special Youth Program to teach women about the Sabbath was held, with a prayer of dedication for our missionaries.
East Brazil Union Conference
On June 3rd, Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day was carried out by 1,607 churches of the East Brazil Union Conference. Women celebrated this moment with greater involvement in the ministry to save people. The project had the support of leaders from the Women’s Ministry, pastors’ wives, and the church at large.
The Sabbath involved biblical messages focused on the book of Esther, prayer, speeches, visits, and baptisms.
North Brazil Union Mission
During the week before the emphasis day, activities were carried out to strengthen the missionary view and challenge each woman to get involved actively in the mission. Mission symposia provided a space to share knowledge, experience, and strategies. The daily challenges encouraged individual commitment, defying each person to be involved actively in the mission.
Besides, several acts of service were organized to make a difference in the life of those in need. Visits were made to shelters, nursing homes, and communities in need, offering support, love, and hope. At the same time, during the week, the “Week of Prayer” took place in the churches, dedicated to the missionary women, with moments of reflection, sharing testimonies, and earnest prayers.
Finally, the long-awaited emphasis day arrived, bringing with it a contagious energy. Congresses were organized, bringing renowned speakers and specialists, sharing valuable knowledge, and inspiring participants with their stories. Spiritual retreats provided moments of deep connection with God and the opportunity to renew the strengths to carry on with the mission. Practical and impactful actions were carried out, from food and clothing distribution to community awareness and support activities.
On this day, the solemn investiture ceremony also took place, where new missionaries were officially commissioned to begin their journeys of service and share God’s love with the world. In addition to this, the Leadership Course graduation was celebrated, recognizing, and honoring those who dedicated themselves to the development of skills and competencies to lead effectively in missionary work. In the end, many people were baptized.
The emphasis day represented the apex of an intense and transformative week, where the spirit of cooperation, commitment, and faith was manifested outstandingly. Lives were impacted, hearts were touched, and the missionary vision was strengthened. This great journey not only marked a unique moment in the life of the community, but also established a starting point for a future of service, compassion, and love for the neighbor.
Northeast Brazil Union Mission
Ceara Conference:
Benfica: “All the women of our church in this beautiful program were crowned as princesses of the Lord because that’s what they are.”
Conjunto Industrial: “For this day, we organized to let all of those who were in charge of the program be standardized, we had moments of relaxation and special songs.”
Sobral I, Central: “On Saturday night, the Women’s Ministry along with ASA from Sobral I, went to the streets to bring food to the homeless people.”
Paraipaba District: “With this beautiful program of emphasis day, several girls who have already completed the women's leadership project were invested, and they all loved it.”
Jardim Guanabara, Antônio Bezerra: “We had a beautiful program, full of gifts, worship, decorations, we loved it.”
Central de Maranguape: “After a beautiful program of evangelism, we closed on Saturday this very special date in celebration of the Adventist woman and we had many gifts! There was something for all the women.”
Piaui Mission:
Social action was carried out in the city hospital, where breakfast was provided for about 90 companions, and a prayer was held with each one and the address was recorded so that they could be visited.
Northwest Brazil Union Mission
In the Northwest Brazil Union Mission, we carried out some activities for Women’s Emphasis Day. In addition, to worship in the local churches with baptisms of women reached by this ministry and investitures, our sisters also did:
- Distribution of outreach kits in parks, districts, and neighborhoods.
- Visit hospitals with missionary books being handed over.
- Visit nursing homes with donations of bedding sets and food.
- Visit the orphanage of children with disability, playing with them and donating supplies for personal hygiene.
- Actions such as the solidarity clothesline with clothing donations, meals, health fairs, and blood donations. With their hearts full of love for the mission, the women carried out a great movement in their localities. Precious hands for the cause of love.
South Brazil Union Conference
A. Objectives for this date:
- To have as many women as possible from the MEL Project (women who are committed to being part of the mission), involved on this date.
- Emphasize during the week leading up to the WMED, that this same group is involved through solidarity and sowing actions, wearing the project scarf every day and everywhere.
- Use the Sabbath to call new women to be missionaries and to empower all women for the mission.
- Start Bible studies and celebrate with baptisms.
B. Highlights sent by the fields
- Challenge to give Bible studies and the beginning of individual Bible studies and Bible classes.
- Visiting estranged members.
- Testimonies in the workplace.
- Participation in solidarity activities: visit to the sick, estranged members, to nursing homes with serenade, delivery of missionary books, solidarity clothesline in partnership with ASA, evangelistic teas, etc.
C. Special highlights
South Parana Conference: Out of 233 churches, 181 held the program. On Saturday evening, more than 2,000 women participated in the vigil of the MEL Project that was carried out in every district. There they were trained in and challenged to have a different fellowship, engage in mission, and specially prepare themselves for the November evangelism.
Santa Catarina Conference: As a conference, they challenged women to engage in intentional missionary activities throughout Yellow Scarf Week through challenges. One challenge for each day of the week: (a) sending messages; (b) intercessory prayer; (c) book delivery; (d) aiding the needy; (e) missionary visits. They embraced the idea. In the office, they launched the "Warm and Cozy Love" challenge to collect winter pajama donations from employees to provide for 10 girls sheltered in a Temporary Home managed by ADRA-SC. They had good participation, especially from women, and managed to purchase the 10 pajamas, along with socks and other hair care items.
Southeast Brazil Union Conference
Reports from churches in the conferences and missions
Rio Fluminense Conference: Pinhao Church – Special action of delivering delicious and freshly baked cookies to the church neighbors.
South Rio Conference:
Bangu District – The district of Bangu held a social action on the sidewalk for homeless people. They distributed 125 hygiene kits for women, 120 bottles of cold water, and missionary kits such as books and leaflets.
Freguesia Church – The women mobilized the families of the church who donated socks and personal hygiene kits. The members were divided into two groups. One group went to a nursing home and the other to an orphanage. They brought gifts, a delicious snack for an afternoon tea with the elderly, as well as much love, worship, and prayers.
Mirandela Church – Social action/CRAS de Chatuba (with ADRA BRAZIL trailer).
Vila Kosmos Church – The Women's Mission of the Vila Kosmos church went out on the streets distributing flowers and brownies. The women were approached with a large mirror and the following reflection: Have you looked in the mirror today? Did you realize how much you are loved? How special you are? We are here to tell you that you are all that and more. Love yourself, take care of yourself, and value yourself.
South Espirito Santo Conference: Central Guarapari Church – Kit delivery (missionary book plus Bible study) and breakfast for interested street sweepers.
North Minas Mission: Curvelo Church – Afternoon at the orphanage.
West Minas Mission: Central Uberlandia Church – The action of the Central Uberlandia Church was to hold a women's meeting in the house of one of the sisters of the church who was away from the church. There was a woman invited who had gone to the city to say goodbye to her family. She intended to return home and commit suicide.
Chile Union Mission
The Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day was a blessing. District coordination meetings were held to ensure that this day would be a blessing for the entire congregation. In addition, many sisters committed themselves and participated in multiple activities, such as preaching, distributing missionary books, visiting and assisting vulnerable areas recently affected by natural disasters, participating in training sessions, and a women's gathering. The day was closed with several baptisms, a real blessing!
Ecuador Union Mission
North Ecuador Mission
Inca District: Comite del Pueblo Church: Delivery of food and missionary books on the outskirts of a public hospital.
Inca District: La Bota Church: Visit to the sick.
Ciudad Nueva District: Plan de Viviendas Church: Delivery of food to the elderly.
Pinos District: Delivery of food to the immigrants who are homeless.
Colorados District: Patricia Pilar Church: Delivery of food to single mothers.
South Ecuador Mission
Guayaquil Central District: Women came out to pray and deliver refreshments to people in a hospital emergency room.
Kichua Church: The ladies came out with Bible study kits to offer in their community.
Guayaquil Perimetral District: Visit to sick sisters and delivery of food supplies.
Pasaje Santa Rosa District: Visitation and delivery of supplies.
Peninsula District: Visit a sister who was unable to attend church, encouraging her to continue in her faith.
Paraguay Union of Churches Mission
In the Paraguay Union of Churches Mission, it was a Saturday of great movement and blessing that started a week before the evangelism and that ended on the Saturday with the hope impact (distribution of books) and with one more project that we call Missionary Bread. The sisters prepared their best version of loaves of bread and desserts to deliver to the needy, sisters who left the church or hospitals, to demonstrate the love of God. In some parts of the country, it ended with a beautiful baptism ceremony and investiture in the MIEL project (Women Integrated in Evangelism Bringing Hope).
North Peru Union Mission
They carried out different actions and social projects. In the city of Trujillo, a group of ladies carried out missionary actions visiting hospitals, praying for the sick, supplying their needs, and sharing messages of hope.
On Saturday morning, the ladies took the pulpits in every church in the North Peru Union Mission territory and imparted the central message of restoration for the family, emotional health, and spiritual life through Christ. They also encouraged other women to be missionaries and share the message of hope through testimonies, teaching Bible studies, and other activities.
In addition, in the various cities of northern Peru, they held ladies' meetings, training focused on missionary work, Prayer Walks, and the program "Entre Amigas" (Among Friends), a space where they talk about health issues, fun facts, healthy eating, spiritual messages, among others, strengthening their faith in God and witnessing His love.
We closed this blessed event with 237 baptisms promoted by women.
South Peru Union Mission
The Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day was a blessing for our women who are part of the South Peru Union Mission. Many of them were committed and participated in multiple activities, some preaching the sermon on Saturday morning; and at the end, we had several baptisms. Likewise, there were training meetings and ladies’ meetings in different places of our union.
Uruguay Union of Churches Mission
In Uruguay, the department directors of the Women’s Ministry, on Missionary Day, engaged the church in various actions. There were Women and Families Friendship Teas, distribution of missionary books in communities, visits to nursing homes, activities in a community including a hair salon and care for women. These activities resulted in new Bible studies and contacts.
Photo credit: WM SAD
Contributed by Jeanete Lima de Souza Pinto, Women's Ministries director for South American Division (SAD)
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q3