Balm of Healing is the first devotional book written by Adventist African women for African women
West-Central Africa Division develops its own women’s devotional book for 2020.
West-Central Africa Division (WAD)
[Ghana] One of the many significant events occurring during the largest ever congress of women in West Africa, July 27 to August 3, 2019, was the launch of the 2020 women’s devotional book published in English by Advent Press of Accra, Ghana.
When launching the book in Kumasi, Ghana, Omobonike Sessou, director of Women’s Ministries for the division, presented Balm of Healing, saying it is the first devotional book written by Adventist African women for African women.
Advent Press is committed to distributing women’s devotional books in other unions of the West Africa territory. Royalties from the book sales will be used by Sessou for awarding scholarships to Adventist women in tertiary education throughout the West-Central Africa Division.
General Conference Women’s Ministries has printed an annual women’s devotional book since 1993 for the purpose of using the book sale royalties for scholarships for Adventist women globally. More than 1.2 million US dollars have been distributed in the past twenty-seven years.
Published in Mosaic Newsletter, 2019 Q3, Summer issue