"Gold, Incense, and Myrrh"
Spain | EUD WM news | January 23, 2023
Women's Ministries performs evangelistic theater as Christmas outreach.
On December 10, 2022, the Badalona Adventist Church presented the play: “Oro, Incienso y Mirra” (Gold, Incense, and Myrrh) by Spanish author Antonio Almudévar. Twenty-three actors and actresses from eight countries brought to life the historical characters described in Matthew 2.
The dramatic play served to leave a very clear message: God is in control of the lives of all who seek Him with all their hearts. God will never leave them in darkness, without truth and light.
The event had a record attendance: more than 160 people from neighboring churches, and many visitors, family, and friends, gathered to enjoy the play. The director of the play, Teresa Mayolas, with extensive experience in this type of event, masterfully directed the various acts and scenes. The objective of conveying how critical the moment in the life of Jesus was with King Herod’s threat was certainly fulfilled. The presentation culminated in the quintessential hymn “Alleluia” (Hallelujah) from the Messiah, the oratorio by Georg Friedrich Handel.
The evening served to unite us as a church and to strengthen ties with the community through art and culture. But it was not just another play. It was pure gospel, which is the power of God for salvation. Our church has a relevant message of warning for the world, and we must also use relevant and appropriate methods to impact those who receive it.
According to a report in revista.adventista.es
And posted by EUD WM news, December 18, 2022
Photo credit: WM Spain
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q1