Thanksgiving Worship Service Includes a Feast
Belgrade, Serbia | SEEUC WM | February 6, 2023 | Marija Trajkovska
Celebrating their blessings in 2022, Women's Ministries organized the Belgrade Seventh-day Adventist Church worship service and prepared the dinner.
On December 24, 2022, the Women's Ministries department of the Main Adventist church in Belgrade, Serbia, organized the Thanksgiving worship service, together with the elegant potluck afterward, showing sincere love and care for its members at the end of the calendar year.
Lidija Stoiljkov, women's ministry director of the central Belgrade church, and her team used their artistic skills in decorating and arranging the serving table with delicious foods for all church members.
Remembering the women of the congregation, the elderly, lonely, and sick who are unable to attend church, Stoiljkov and her team packed boxes filled with food to distribute later Sabbath afternoon, bringing the shut-in women heaps of love and joy and the best regards from the entire church family.
Photo credit: WM SEEUC
Written by Marija Trajkovska, WM director for South-East Europe Union Conference (SEEUC) of Trans-European Division (TED)
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2023 Q1