International Women's Day of Prayer in Zambia
Women's prayer retreat concludes with the observance of the worldwide day of prayer.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
[Zambia] Women of all ages in Zambia set aside time to pray during the Sabbath hours of March 2, 2019, during observance of the International Women's Day of Prayer; in particular, women from East Zambia Field and women of northern Zambia in the Copperbelt region. The 2019 sermon resource packet, "Walking with Jesus," was written by Cordell Liebrandt, a pastor from the Cape Conference of the Republic of South Africa.
Particularly in eastern Zambia, young women joined the Dorcas Society members and other women for prayer, services, and activities.
About 78 Nzuc women from all walks of life converged at Ndola in northern Zambia for a prayer retreat held February 28 through March 3, 2019. Some activities included prayer workshops and extended time for prayer alone and in groups. The retreat culminated with the observance of the International Women's Day of Prayer, an annual date on the first Sabbath of March in the worldwide church calendar. The prayer retreat was held at the Kafakumba conference center near the Ndola headquarters of the Copperbelt Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which is part of the Northern Zambia Union Conference.
Contributed by Rita Twumasi, director of Northern Zambia Union Conference Women's Ministries
Published in Mosaic newsletter 2019, Q2, Spring issue