Young Adventist Women's Ministries inaugurated in Lusaka
Joining the worldwide women's ministries with its special focus on teens and youth, Lusaka promotes "Young Women: Identity in Christ."
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
[Zambia] The Women’s Ministries (WM) department of the Lusaka Conference is making special efforts to reach out to their younger women, helping them find their identity in Jesus Christ. The event launching Young Adventist Women's Ministries (YAWM), May 20, 2018, drew many participants from several churches in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia.
Sister Beatrice Bondo, women's ministries director for the Southern Zambia Union Conference in Lusaka, said in her speech during the launch, “Young Adventist Women’s Ministries (YAWM) is a ministry within the women’s ministries department, for younger women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” One of the goals of the worldwide women’s ministries department is nurturing and empowering our teens and youth for making a decision to follow Jesus and for making a priority of becoming engaged in the life of church.
Sister Charity Ngondo, women's ministries director for the Lusaka Conference of the Southern Zambia Union Conference organized the historic event.
Contributed by Caroline Chola, women's ministries director for Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Download the 2018 teen resource, My Sister, My Friend
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2018 Q4, Fall issue