
WM departmental advisory creates excitement

Central African Union Mission holds its first union Women's Ministries departmental advisory—and casts a vision, makes resolutions, and trains eager women.

West-Central Africa Division (WAD)

[Central African Republic] The Central African Union Mission (CAUM)—whose headquarters are in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo—held its first Women’s Ministries departmental advisory at the field office for the Central African Republic Mission in Bangui. More than 50 women eager to learn received training at this event.

The CAUM president and other union administrators came from the Republic of the Congo to be present for the WM advisory held January 29 to February 4, 2017; even the local church pastors of Bangui attended. New resolutions were taken, and excitement increased for implementing the vision and mission of Women’s Ministries in CAUM and for engaging women and young ladies in many aspects of women in ministry.

The region of Central Africa is facing tribal war and political unrest. Despite great challenges, the women in this territory are marching forward in the fulfillment of the gospel commission. Keep them in your prayers.

Contributed by Omobonike Sessou, WM director, West-Central Africa Division

Published in Mosaic newsletter, Winter 2018