Amie, a new convert, leads women's ministries group in New Zealand


Women's Ministries empowers new leader

A new believer is spiritually blossoming through Women’s Ministries activities in her congregation—and she's the ministry leader!

South Pacific Division (SPD)

[New Zealand] In January, I first noticed Amie early in the morning during boot camp at Big Camp. We encouraged each other when running out of breath and high-fived each other after a good sweat. Then I met Amie in the afternoon at the Women’s Ministries (WM) sessions. I learned that she is a new believer and mum to three children: Nathaniel (17), Ethan (12) and Emma-Kate (10); and that she has just been newly appointed as the women’s ministry leader for her church congregation, Garden City Fellowship in Aranui, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Amie’s openness and eagerness to learn became evident immediately. She admitted she did not know how to have a systematic, personal devotional life. In one of the afternoon sessions while discussing tools for personal worship, we mentioned the books, Praying the Bible, and the WM 2017 women’s devotional book, Love You More. Amie bought the devotional book as soon as the session ended and asked for some more information regarding Praying the Bible so that she could share it with a friend.

In February, her church pastor invited me to the first Women’s Ministries program of the Garden City Fellowship to speak encouragement to them. But it was I who was encouraged!

When I arrived, Amie was orchestrating a fine team of ladies. One was making drinks for everyone while another was doing a cooking demonstration. Later we shared about ourselves, laughed out loud, cried, and prayed together. Amie shared one of the stories from the Love You More devotional book.

Later in conversation with Amie, I learned that her passion for women’s ministry is motivated by her own personal experience of lacking a positive role model in her childhood. She had always found relationships with women scary and intimidating, but now in women’s ministry she has been able to connect meaningfully with other women. She longs to have a better relationship with her daughter than she experienced in her youth with her mother.

Amie is an excellent example of the good and faithful servant mentioned in a parable of Jesus. The servant received five talents, but when his master returned, the faithful servant brought five additional talents, saying, “Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them” (Matthew 25:20, NKJV). Amie is so open to learn and grow, and while she does so she also sows seeds in the hearts of those around her.

Please pray for Amie and other women like her who are rising above their past and living as daughters of God.

Contributed by Lynelle Laws, coordinator of Partners in Ministry and Women’s Ministries, Northern New Zealand Conference

Published in Mosaic, 2017 Q2