
Reaching out begins with friendship

Women's Ministries annual retreat in New Zealand is designed for inviting friends.

South Pacific Division (SPD)

[New Zealand] Women’s Ministries (WM) retreats provide opportunity for church members reach out in their communities and bring guests. The annual retreats, called ”Daughter by Design,” encourage women, ages 13-99, to value who they are, as made in their Father’s image and for a divine purpose. At the 2017 retreat held at the New Zealand Church camp, Tui Ridge, “Daughters” were able to choose a ministry option workshop Sabbath afternoon. They learned a skill from others that they plan to incorporate into a ministry in their home congregations. Workshops included Bible journaling, Health ministry, Christian banner making, How to make all natural soaps and lotions, Card making, and more. About 200 women enjoyed this small group style retreat with hands-on approach to learning. Already they enthusiastically report being able to use the skills learned at the annual retreat in their own churches.

Contributed by Lynelle Laws, coordinator of Partners in Ministry and Women’s Ministries, Northern New Zealand Conference

Published in Mosaic, 2017 Q2