
Second Women’s Conference in Bohemia Challenges Them on the Power of Words

Inter-European Division (EUD)

[Slovakia] Meeting in the Zerrenpach hotel in the picturesque village Ostrblí, each of the 110 women attending the Czecho-Slovakian Union Women’s Conference was different, unique and precious, each one carrying her own life story. Participants developed a better understanding and deeper recognition of the Big Story of salvation. The beautiful weekend, September 16-18, 2016, was filled with rest, sharing, worshipping, praying, and enjoying encouragement, fellowshipping, enjoying surprises, gifts and good food, along with enjoying inspirational messages by speakers Ilonka and Mojmír Voráčovi .

One of the participants of the Czech (or Bohemian) Women’s Conference wrote:

“The very pleasant environment of Kouty by Ledeč nad Sázavou served as a backdrop for the Second Women’s Conference in Bohemia. One hundred ten women came to Kouty (meaning ‘Corners’) from all corners of Bohemia. Thanks to the topic ‘The Power of Words,’ presented by inspirational speaker Hanka Pinknerová, I am leaving with a lot of thoughts and ideas which will guide me and support me in my everyday life.
“Heart and Speech are communicating vessels, mirroring the state of our heart of hearts. Only God can heal our every wound, if we allow Him to do that, and he can give us the courage and desire to change. We cannot change ourselves in our own power - we cannot do without the Spirit of God. The most important thing is to be with Him–with GOD–as much as possible. Even just looking at Him causes us to start resembling Him.... And the messages and words about respect towards your husband, gossip and slander, evaluation and judgement, small and big lies, demeaning of myself and others—all of these topics produced many challenges for my personal life.
“I am very thankful for the opportunity to spend such a beautiful and blessed time, for the presence of dear friends and women, for the main speaker, for the meditative journey through the story of Esther (when to speak and when to remain silent), for the wonderful organizational team, for worship and for feeling that God was right there among us!”

Published in Mosaic, 2017 Q1