
Great Britain is empowering women for outreach using Women of Virtue program

Trans-European Division (TED)

[England] The British Union Conference Women of Virtue (WOV) program is expanding its function by training volunteers in using the program as a ministry and outreach tool. Pastor Holness, WOV’s coordinator in South England Conference, suggests that using the program as an evangelistic tool will draw women and families to Christ. Hyacinth Gayle, coordinator for North England Conference, testifies to the growth occurring in her own life as she implements WOV program principles.

Mission statement

An empowerment program and ministry tool to encourage and support women to accomplish their God given potential in every aspect of their daily lives and in preparation for heaven.

Vision statement

Women who are complete in Christ reflecting God’s love to the communities that they serve.

Program content

Based on the attributes of the Proverbs 31 Woman, the program comprises 13 segments depicting the virtuous and productive life of this exemplary woman. These are:

Women of Godly Character

Women as Singles

Women as Wives

Women of Strength (emotional resilience, physical wellbeing and spiritual stamina)

Women as Homemakers

Women as Mothers

Women Maintaining Their Appearance & Deportment

Women as Providers

Women Who Are Industrious

Women as Investors

Women as Community Activists

Women and Personal Development

Women Encouraging and Affirming Excellence

Published in Mosaic, Q1 2017