International Women's Day of Prayer in Angola
A municipal administrator sees commitment of women and helps work a miracle by donating a vehicle for evangelistic work.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
[Angola] When women of the Seventh-day Adventist church in the town of Londuibali in Angola gathered to pray and take a “walk with Jesus" on the International Women's Day of Prayer, March 2, 2019, they prayed earnestly to God to supply a basic requirement in their plans for evangelistic work. They needed a form of transportation. But they didn't have a Kwansa (dollar), not even a centimo (penny), to pay for it. Somehow God needed to do a mighty work.
That day the municipal administrator saw the commitment of these women, and his heart was moved. He donated a motorcycle to assist their plans for evangelism. This generous act is considered by the joyful recipients as a miraculous and immediate answer to prayer.
“Walking with Jesus” is the 2019 theme for the International Women’s Day of Prayer which is observed annually in the Seventh-day Church on the first Sabbath of March.
Contributed by Florinda Benjamin, director of South West Angola Union Women’s Ministries
International Women's Day of Prayer in Lilongwe, Malawi
The First Lady of Malawi joins 6,000 praying Adventist women in her capital city.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
[Malawi] The First Lady of the Republic of Malawi, Professor Gertrude Mutharika, accepted an invitation to join a prayer meeting observing the International Women's Day of Prayer 2019. The appearance of the First Lady generated much excitement for more than 6,000 women gathered on the grounds of the Lilongwe Central Seventh-day Adventist Church to participate.
Women from all walks of life, including women in the government of Malawi who were also invited, assembled for the March 2 program, "Walking with Jesus." They prayed and praised God together in unity. Even their colorful attire was uniform.
Emily Egolet, women's ministries director of Malawi Union Conference, organized this successful day of prayer which is on the annual worldwide church calendar for the first Sabbath of March.
Contributed by Emily Egolet, director of Malawi Union Conference Women's Ministries
International Women's Day of Prayer in Zambia
Women's prayer retreat concludes with the observance of the worldwide day of prayer.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
[Zambia] Women of all ages in Zambia set aside time to pray during the Sabbath hours of March 2, 2019, during observance of the International Women's Day of Prayer; specifically, women from East Zambia Field and women of northern Zambia in the Copperbelt region. The 2019 sermon resource packet, "Walking with Jesus," was written by Cordell Liebrandt, a pastor from the Cape Conference of the Republic of South Africa.
Particularly in eastern Zambia, young women joined the Dorcas Society members and other women for prayer, services, and activities.
About 78 Nzuc women from all walks of life converged at Ndola in northern Zambia for a prayer retreat held February 28 through March 3, 2019. Some activities included prayer workshops and extended time for prayer alone and in groups. The retreat culminated with the observance of the International Women's Day of Prayer, an annual date on the first Sabbath of March in the worldwide church calendar. The prayer retreat was held at the Kafakumba conference center near the Ndola headquarters of the Copperbelt Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, which is part of the Northern Zambia Union Conference.
Contributed by Rita Twumasi, director of Northern Zambia Union Conference Women's Ministries
International Women's Day of Prayer in Zimbabwe
Women lead church services in all churches throughout the northeastern region to observe the worldwide day of prayer.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
[Zimbabwe] Women of all Seventh-day Adventist congregations in the northeastern region of Zimbabwe led church services observing International Women’s Day of Prayer, March 2, 2019, an annual date on the worldwide church calendar.
Additional activities were organized over the weekend on Friday night and Sabbath afternoon. Some churches held all night prayer sessions. Some churches conducted outreach activities. Some served their communities even further, such as distributing food parcels.
The northeastern region of Zimbabwe lies within the territory of East Zimbabwe Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (headquarters in Harare) and is comprised of the East Zimbabwe Conference and the North Zimbabwe Conference.
Contributed by Phyllis Manungo, director of East Zimbabwe Union Conference Women's Ministries
International Women's Day of Prayer in Maun, Botswana
Local pastors speak encouraging words to women presenting the full day program.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
[Botswana] Adventist women blessed the town of Maun, Botswana when the Seventh-day Adventist church congregation observed International Women’s Day of Prayer, March 2, 2019. Many young women were in attendance and also participated in the inspiring program centered on prayer.
Local pastors supported the International Women’s Day of Prayer activities and gave encouraging words to women who presented the full day program.
Under the guidance of Susan Williams, the leader of women's ministry in Botswana, Young Adventist Women’s Ministries (YAWM) is making a difference in the lives of young women across the country. They are maturing into creative and active members. They are also becoming accomplished leaders. Williams joins women’s ministries leaders of the worldwide church who are focused on mentoring young girls, teenagers, and young women.
Contributed by Susan Williams, director of Botswana Union Conference Women's Ministries
International Women's Day of Prayer in South Africa
Young Adventist women in South Africa are involved in women's ministries activities.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
[South Africa] The churches in the South Africa participated in the annual International Women’s Day of Prayer. Young Adventist Women’s Ministries (YAWM) were involved in all programs. Mentoring girls and young women is a priority issue for women's ministries worldwide.
Contributed from Caroline Chola, director of Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Women's Ministries
Reported in Mosaic newsletter, 2019, Q2, Summer issue